Support Pennsylvania Expungement

Supporting SB391 to reform PA Expungement Law

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302 expungment

I have been trying to get a 302 expunged the first time it the first time it was denied by the judge its all about who you know how much money I have to pay the right politicians off that’s how things get done and Pennsylvania you’re in with the rest of you’re in with the rest of them and then we’ll do and then we’ll do it

Nursing Education But Unable to Be Licensed

In 2009, I pled guilty to theft by deception and identity theft as a result of a situation involving a co-worker who stole a check from a patient while I was employed as a Certified Nursing Aid. There was no jail time. I have paid my restitution and completed my probation. In 2011 I completed a Practical Nursing certificate in hopes of becoming an LPN in the State of PA. I knew that it was going to be an uphill battle but I felt that it was worth a try. I graduated near the top of my class with honors and a high GPA. The State Board of Nursing denied my application to sit for the licensing exam. My family paid thousands of dollars to an attorney who represented us in our appeal in front of the State Board of Nursing. We presented witnesses, there were recommendations from teachers, classmates, my probation officer and even a PA Senator. The State Board of Nursing denied my appeal due to the criminal record. As a result, my once potential lucrative career is down the drain. I am responsible for paying $27K in student loans for a profession that I will never work in. As a result I am unable to work and have gone back on Public Assistance. It’s ironic that the State has taken away my ability to make a good living, but at the end of the day they are still supporting my family through food stamps and cash assistance. I don’t want to be on welfare. I want to be working as an LPN but because of one mistake made many years ago I’m forced to remain a welfare recipient.

Bill 391 Would Be Great

its a shame im 34 years old and no one will hire me because I have a misdemeanor 2nd degree reckless endangering. long story I should of had a jurey trail. I pleaded because I was scared. I only had 15 months probation never had jail time I think the bill would be helpful for those who deserve it

Second Article

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam quis mauris magna, non adipiscing dolor. Nullam ac justo augue, non blandit ante. Quisque iaculis iaculis nisi, in vestibulum sem accumsan id. Aliquam erat volutpat. Curabitur ac odio sit amet sem porttitor dapibus in nec nibh. Duis tortor turpis, scelerisque vel pharetra eu, feugiat eu mi. Integer quis metus nibh. Nunc quis scelerisque elit. Vivamus pulvinar dolor in ligula tincidunt quis pulvinar diam euismod. Cras semper vestibulum bibendum. Nunc accumsan cursus augue, eu consequat risus aliquam nec. Nunc dignissim neque non diam sollicitudin gravida. Nunc sed mauris est. In lacinia eleifend enim, nec lacinia tortor convallis sed.Cras accumsan sapien fringilla elit posuere sagittis tempor magna interdum. Nam scelerisque semper dolor at porta. Sed sed purus non ligula vestibulum facilisis nec eu quam. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nam convallis vehicula libero, a aliquam leo consectetur in. Phasellus volutpat quam ac ligula lobortis blandit. In id tempus odio.Mauris pretium velit eu tortor luctus congue. Cras malesuada ligula nec dui semper fermentum. Aenean nisl enim, luctus a tempus et, dictum ut neque. Quisque ac arcu a sapien semper luctus eget ac magna. Morbi convallis, nibh eget mattis suscipit, arcu mi semper ante, cursus lobortis nibh nunc ac sapien. Maecenas quis magna sed sapien viverra vestibulum at ut orci. Aliquam metus eros, porttitor mattis elementum at, placerat sit amet ligula. Duis tempus fermentum lorem non sagittis. Nulla facilisi. Aenean condimentum vehicula lorem vel ullamcorper. Mauris auctor nisi id mi faucibus eu rhoncus lacus tempor. Phasellus suscipit sodales nulla, id viverra libero hendrerit at. Fusce dapibus nisl in ligula lobortis tempor id sit amet nisl. Proin aliquam tristique velit ac feugiat. Aenean sem turpis, lobortis eu auctor ac, pellentesque non sem. Quisque sollicitudin felis eget mauris ornare gravida.Nunc tincidunt blandit metus, at vehicula elit ultricies ut. Proin sit amet magna quis felis tristique venenatis. Vestibulum euismod lectus non ante egestas gravida. Nunc volutpat sem et nibh congue eget hendrerit nunc vulputate. Donec diam justo, pellentesque eget tempor eu, vestibulum id ipsum. Donec commodo tempus arcu, quis blandit diam condimentum eu. Fusce lacus leo, facilisis eget pulvinar id, egestas a orci. Cras quis ante non orci mollis consequat. Nullam et tellus ante. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Proin suscipit lobortis ante, quis mattis est adipiscing nec. Sed lorem velit, rutrum ut rutrum eu, euismod vel turpis.Morbi euismod pellentesque mattis. Quisque tristique enim et tortor ullamcorper tincidunt. Nulla non ligula arcu, quis pretium nibh. Phasellus vestibulum, nibh non faucibus egestas, sem diam semper purus, ut blandit velit libero sit amet lacus. Donec tincidunt euismod nunc, aliquam auctor nisi convallis a. Pellentesque elementum rutrum nisi. Nam commodo sapien et dolor sollicitudin tincidunt. Nunc sollicitudin sagittis vestibulum. Donec molestie, nibh eu laoreet porttitor, urna ipsum rutrum neque, quis porttitor ligula urna quis mi. In nibh dui, scelerisque ut malesuada eget, porta a nibh. In fringilla nunc consectetur augue dapibus pellentesque. Maecenas libero erat, posuere semper imperdiet nec, tempus in metus. Maecenas id sapien in purus scelerisque fringilla eu a dolor. Vivamus lobortis urna a dolor tristique et dignissim nunc lobortis.

First Article

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam quis mauris magna, non adipiscing dolor. Nullam ac justo augue, non blandit ante. Quisque iaculis iaculis nisi, in vestibulum sem accumsan id. Aliquam erat volutpat. Curabitur ac odio sit amet sem porttitor dapibus in nec nibh. Duis tortor turpis, scelerisque vel pharetra eu, feugiat eu mi. Integer quis metus nibh. Nunc quis scelerisque elit. Vivamus pulvinar dolor in ligula tincidunt quis pulvinar diam euismod. Cras semper vestibulum bibendum.
Nunc accumsan cursus augue, eu consequat risus aliquam nec. Nunc dignissim neque non diam sollicitudin gravida. Nunc sed mauris est. In lacinia eleifend enim, nec lacinia tortor convallis sed.Cras accumsan sapien fringilla elit posuere sagittis tempor magna interdum. Nam scelerisque semper dolor at porta. Sed sed purus non ligula vestibulum facilisis nec eu quam. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nam convallis vehicula libero, a aliquam leo consectetur in. Phasellus volutpat quam ac ligula lobortis blandit. In id tempus odio.Mauris pretium velit eu tortor luctus congue. Cras malesuada ligula nec dui semper fermentum.
Aenean nisl enim, luctus a tempus et, dictum ut neque. Quisque ac arcu a sapien semper luctus eget ac magna. Morbi convallis, nibh eget mattis suscipit, arcu mi semper ante, cursus lobortis nibh nunc ac sapien. Maecenas quis magna sed sapien viverra vestibulum at ut orci. Aliquam metus eros, porttitor mattis elementum at, placerat sit amet ligula. Duis tempus fermentum lorem non sagittis. Nulla facilisi. Aenean condimentum vehicula lorem vel ullamcorper. Mauris auctor nisi id mi faucibus eu rhoncus lacus te
mpor. Phasellus suscipit sodales nulla, id viverra libero hendrerit at. Fusce dapibus nisl in ligula lobortis tempor id sit amet nisl. Proin aliquam tristique velit ac feugiat. Aenean sem turpis, lobortis eu auctor ac, pellentesque non sem. Quisque sollicitudin felis eget mauris ornare gravida.Nunc tincidunt blandit metus, at vehicula elit ultricies ut. Proin sit amet magna quis felis tristique venenatis. Vestibulum euismod lectus non ante egestas gravida. Nunc volutpat sem et nibh congue eget hendrerit nunc vulputate. Donec diam justo, pellentesque eget tempor eu, vestibulum id ipsum. Donec commodo tempus arcu, quis blandit diam condimentum eu. Fusce lacus leo, facilisis eget pulvina
r id, egestas a orci. Cras quis ante non orci mollis consequat. Nullam et tellus ante. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Proin suscipit lobortis ante, quis mattis est adipiscing nec. Sed lorem velit, rutrum ut rutrum eu, euismod vel turpis.Morbi euismod pellentesque mattis. Quisque tristique enim et tortor ullamcorper tincidunt. Nulla non ligula arcu, quis pretium nibh. Phasellus vestibulum, nibh non faucibus egestas, sem diam semper purus, ut blandit velit libero sit amet lacus. Donec tincidunt euismod nunc, aliquam auctor nisi convallis a. Pellentesque elementum rutrum nisi. Nam commodo sapien et dolor sollicitudin tincidunt. Nu
nc sollicitudin sagittis vestibulum. Donec molestie, nibh eu laoreet porttitor, urna ipsum rutrum neque, quis porttitor ligula urna quis mi. In nibh dui, scelerisque ut malesuada eget, porta a nibh. In fringilla nunc consectetur augue dapibus pellentesque. Maecenas libero erat, posuere semper imperdiet nec, tempus in metus. Maecenas id sapien in purus scelerisque fringilla eu a dolor. Vivamus lobortis urna a dolor tristique et dignissim nunc lobortis.

Tetelestai-It is finished

The Greek term Tetelestai is an interesting term. It was the term printed on the papers given to a person who had paid their debt to society if they had committed an offense for which they were incarcerated. It meant that the debt to society had been paid in full and there was nothing more that could be demanded of the person.

Sadly this is not the case in our much further advanced culture and society. For persons who have paid their debt and who have gone on to become productive members of society the stigma, or additional costs that exceed the original sentencing, continues in spite of all and any efforts to live as a responsible person who respects the law and society he or she lives in. In some cases the correction/rehabilitative judicial system works and the person changes, the system works. Unfortunately the system then turns around and fails the persons efforts of change by keeping the stigma as an inescapable scarlet letter that must be worn and shown while seeking better employment or housing. Has justice plugged its ears and refused to consider a cogent argument?

What about me?

I believe the bill should also include any persons 7-10 years arrest free to expunge criminal records. My last The great commonwealth of PA reminds me everyday that people like me do not belong here nor do they care. I pay my taxes for programs I cannot apply because on my record including PA Access as well as the PA Gateway Job program. I’ve worked dead end jobs for minimum wage since I was 22. It’s no wonder the ex-offenders return to lockdown, just look at the state law on expungement, you can do your time but you’ll never free of the state. That’s oppression of a minority by the majority, a funny thing happened yesterday I went to the Chambersburg Courthouse to the Clerk of Courts for a copy of my record, the woman helping me stated that my record could not be expunged, I responded how the current PA law is unfair and unconstitutional, she replied “I disagree, it’s fair and is procedure”. I didn’t go there for her two cents or an argument I just needed some basic information which she did not give me. So what about guys like me? I guess I’ll have to apply for record expungement 3 years after I die, excuse me while I check my planner to see when that is? You know PA had a great immoral and inhumane system of incarceration with fine examples life Easter State Penitentiary, I think the current law on record expungement is an existing condition of that old Quaker Penal system that continues to violate a persons equal right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. I can be reached at (confidential), I am currently working on a letter to my local representative and senator and any help is greatly appreciated. My life at one time was an absolute horror and I would just like for people to know my story.

What about misdemeanor 1 convictions

I totaly support this Bill but I think it should include misdemeanor 1 convictions. I had a conviction 20 years ago and the only way for me to get a second chance is a full pardon from the Govenor. That process will take over 3 years. I had no problems till after 9/11 when they pull a criminal history for everything. I still support this Bill.

This will help me a lot

Bill 391 will help me and a few of my friends right from the get-go. Are there any other ways we can contribute besides your Get Involved page? I think attending local events to promote awareness would have more impact than to simply contacting our state senators.

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