Support Pennsylvania Expungement

Supporting SB391 to reform PA Expungement Law

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Bill 391

This bill would be great to help people who have committed non-violent crimes, and have kept their nose clean for a lengthy time period. It would help people have a chance in a job market where even the slightest criminal record can restrict you from gaining employment. Those who get criminal records in early adulthood are often unable to rise economically and socially as they embark on their journey called life. I support this bill under the condition that eligible offenses be non-violent and non-sexual.

Expunging my record

I was driving my late husbands car, I had a passneger in it, we got stoped they search the car and found coke cannie,I was arrested and charged with possession, I did a years probation and paid a fine this was in 2006, I was working in apersonal care home and was let go due to the fact that I had this record and some summary offenses which I am paying a fine on. they were for helping a girl that her boyfriend was beating her up, I gave him a ride away from her, because she had three children and couldn’t leave the house. I am unable to obtain a job because of this, I am an excellant employee and loved my job I now have to try and have this taken care of so I can go back to work, since I don’t have a job I am homeless, staying with differnet people and collecting food stamps to eat. These laws should be changed and there wouldn’t be so much crime and drug dealing going on, most people deal drugs due to the fact of there record and they have to support their family or make a living for themself.

expungement rights

I have a summary record due to stupid decision I made when I was younger. Now that I am grown and have my priorities straight and in order it affects me now. I have a family and am working hard to be the best I can be and to do the best I can to support my children. I understand that the state and jobs have to be cautious about allowing people such as myself to get a second chance. I find that the rules to expungement are not as bad as people are making it. If we make better decisions we would not have to go through the process. I have only been arrested one time and will not be arrested again. My family is my priority. I have to live and make decisions on whats best for all of us. I hope you all can find a way to overcome. But understand why certain rules and laws are in place. Its to protect us all.

Felonies Low-Level Nonviolent

What about low level felonies convictions over 20 years old. It should be up to the courts where the individual/s were arrested to decide if the individual became a role model citizen and if they remained arrest free. The courts should review what the individual/s has done since his or her arrest and if they became a productive member of their community. LET THE COURTS DECIDE EXPUNGMENT BY ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL/S TO MAKE THEIR CASE FOR EXPUNGMENT AFTER ALL IT ALL STARTED WITH THE COURT SYSTEM LET IT END THERE.

Good Move. It’s about time.

Not that I am not in favor of the presumed bill, but I feel that it should not segregate or separate from various crimes. Summary, Misdemeanor, Felony, “DUI”, “Sex Crime”, etc. All should be eligible for this relief.

If a person can go “x” number of years; based on the severity of their crime, without other charges brought toward them, I feel that any and all crimes should have an “Expungement Relief Clause”.

Felony Charges that can go 15 years, post sanctions, without any legal altercation greater than summary traffic can apply for expungement.

Misdemeanor Charges that can go 10 years, post sanctions, without any legal altercation greater than summary traffic can apply for expungement.

Summary Charges that go 5 years, post sanctions, without any legal altercation can apply for expungement.

I feel something like this should be made available to all persons, no matter their charge or grade. Isn’t the Legal and Correction system intended to rehabilitate a person? And if a person can go a specific number of years based on the severity of their charge, in my opinion they are no longer a risk for relapse to whatever their charges are.

Something for consideration.

A Lifesaver

This bill would be a lifesaver for many people who have made mistakes. I made mistakes 14 years ago and have truely changed my life I am now a good person with a criminal record that continues to hurt my life and my 3 young kids. The current situation for people like me who have truly changed does not protect the public but only prevents me from going further and doing more good in life by having my criminal record public for all to see. this should really include felonies as these are mistakes that people make and after 14 year of proving one has changed, they have and in a lot of cases these hard times in ones life has refined them to be a better person than one who has not been refined by hard times. Misdemeanors do not greatly affect ones life after a couple years, but a felony will reduce ones quality of life forever. please help us.




Praying that this passes..

I do not have a criminal record but I do know someone very close to me who is currently incarcerated and is worried about being branded as a criminal for a long time. His last conviction was in 2003, which is 10 years ago from this conviction but is being treated harshly and has been sentenced more than the mandatory minimum because of a conviction that was 10 years ago and then the Statues of Limitation. I also believe the District Attorney does not have the right to place judgements on an individual preventing them from getting things such as Rehabilitation. This Bill would be perfect for someone who does not deserve to not get the help that they need.

This bill would be greatly appreciated

Giving anyone a second chance for a low offense is great it will give people the opportunity to gain control of their lives and have hope for the future. I run across so many good people who have had run ins with the law and can not find a job. This bill needs to be passed

Everyone support SB 391

Pa expungement laws need to be changed and this would be a Great start.
Waiting till you reach 70 or dead are terrible options and the pardon process is bogged down. Tell all your friends and relatives to support this Bill so people who made ONE mistake can start over.

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