Supporting SB391 to reform PA Expungement Law

Category: User Thoughts (page 3 of 4)

Pray For The Best

I hope bill 391 passes ……..I was convicted of a misdemeanor, when i was 19, i made a bigg mistake, being young and thought i was going to get ARD. Somehow that didnt happen . Its been been 13 years and i have a daughter to take care of and jobs do back ground checks wont hire me . I was only on probation for 15 months.  Well i guess if dont changed will all suffer in the long run……… pray for the best

Finally a second chance?

It’s about time! Imagine my dismay when I found out a stupid mistake made at the age of 21 will follow me until I’m 70!! This bill would give many people a second chance to start over. The benefits FAR outweigh the risks. Many studies have concluded that once a time period of FOUR years has elapsed, the chances of being arrested again are the same as a person who has never been arrested.
As someone about to request licensing from the state of PA with a misdemeanor from 13 years ago, this would be a God-send. I’d like a chance to support my family and move on? How long do we brand someone a “criminal”?? Do people not change? Can we at least be afforded the opportunity to show that we have changed? Please, pass this bill and gieve me and

Need This Done

i got in trouble ten years ago when i was 18 because two friends of mine were homeless and get desperate a broke into a parked unattended vending truck and stole food they then brought the food to my house the next day didn’t tell me were it came from and then got caught with the food and because they brought the food to my house i got a 3rd degree misdemeanor and a 2000 dollar fine witch i payed and i have been paying for it ever since i have not got in trouble for over ten years and believe i deserve a second chance to have a good life and good job

Gives a second chance

I am for the sb 391 bill. I want to have my life back and my past mistakes keep puting up a road block. It is very discouraging, I have paid the price yet still am being punished. Please pass the bill so I can move on in my life and make a better life for my daughter.

7 to 10 years too long

Great but too long for 2 nd and third.felonys Illegally present people get better jobs than citizens UNFAIR!!! Paid my debt can’t get hired next to illegals joke!!!! They can work anywhere but I have to compete with them and I have honest about my feloys but they DON’T have yo be honest about their legal status

302 expungment

I have been trying to get a 302 expunged the first time it the first time it was denied by the judge its all about who you know how much money I have to pay the right politicians off that’s how things get done and Pennsylvania you’re in with the rest of you’re in with the rest of them and then we’ll do and then we’ll do it

Nursing Education But Unable to Be Licensed

In 2009, I pled guilty to theft by deception and identity theft as a result of a situation involving a co-worker who stole a check from a patient while I was employed as a Certified Nursing Aid. There was no jail time. I have paid my restitution and completed my probation. In 2011 I completed a Practical Nursing certificate in hopes of becoming an LPN in the State of PA. I knew that it was going to be an uphill battle but I felt that it was worth a try. I graduated near the top of my class with honors and a high GPA. The State Board of Nursing denied my application to sit for the licensing exam. My family paid thousands of dollars to an attorney who represented us in our appeal in front of the State Board of Nursing. We presented witnesses, there were recommendations from teachers, classmates, my probation officer and even a PA Senator. The State Board of Nursing denied my appeal due to the criminal record. As a result, my once potential lucrative career is down the drain. I am responsible for paying $27K in student loans for a profession that I will never work in. As a result I am unable to work and have gone back on Public Assistance. It’s ironic that the State has taken away my ability to make a good living, but at the end of the day they are still supporting my family through food stamps and cash assistance. I don’t want to be on welfare. I want to be working as an LPN but because of one mistake made many years ago I’m forced to remain a welfare recipient.

Bill 391 Would Be Great

its a shame im 34 years old and no one will hire me because I have a misdemeanor 2nd degree reckless endangering. long story I should of had a jurey trail. I pleaded because I was scared. I only had 15 months probation never had jail time I think the bill would be helpful for those who deserve it

What about me?

I believe the bill should also include any persons 7-10 years arrest free to expunge criminal records. My last The great commonwealth of PA reminds me everyday that people like me do not belong here nor do they care. I pay my taxes for programs I cannot apply because on my record including PA Access as well as the PA Gateway Job program. I’ve worked dead end jobs for minimum wage since I was 22. It’s no wonder the ex-offenders return to lockdown, just look at the state law on expungement, you can do your time but you’ll never free of the state. That’s oppression of a minority by the majority, a funny thing happened yesterday I went to the Chambersburg Courthouse to the Clerk of Courts for a copy of my record, the woman helping me stated that my record could not be expunged, I responded how the current PA law is unfair and unconstitutional, she replied “I disagree, it’s fair and is procedure”. I didn’t go there for her two cents or an argument I just needed some basic information which she did not give me. So what about guys like me? I guess I’ll have to apply for record expungement 3 years after I die, excuse me while I check my planner to see when that is? You know PA had a great immoral and inhumane system of incarceration with fine examples life Easter State Penitentiary, I think the current law on record expungement is an existing condition of that old Quaker Penal system that continues to violate a persons equal right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. I can be reached at (confidential), I am currently working on a letter to my local representative and senator and any help is greatly appreciated. My life at one time was an absolute horror and I would just like for people to know my story.

What about misdemeanor 1 convictions

I totaly support this Bill but I think it should include misdemeanor 1 convictions. I had a conviction 20 years ago and the only way for me to get a second chance is a full pardon from the Govenor. That process will take over 3 years. I had no problems till after 9/11 when they pull a criminal history for everything. I still support this Bill.

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