Supporting SB391 to reform PA Expungement Law

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expungement rights

I have a summary record due to stupid decision I made when I was younger. Now that I am grown and have my priorities straight and in order it affects me now. I have a family and am working hard to be the best I can be and to do the best I can to support my children. I understand that the state and jobs have to be cautious about allowing people such as myself to get a second chance. I find that the rules to expungement are not as bad as people are making it. If we make better decisions we would not have to go through the process. I have only been arrested one time and will not be arrested again. My family is my priority. I have to live and make decisions on whats best for all of us. I hope you all can find a way to overcome. But understand why certain rules and laws are in place. Its to protect us all.

Good Move. It’s about time.

Not that I am not in favor of the presumed bill, but I feel that it should not segregate or separate from various crimes. Summary, Misdemeanor, Felony, “DUI”, “Sex Crime”, etc. All should be eligible for this relief.

If a person can go “x” number of years; based on the severity of their crime, without other charges brought toward them, I feel that any and all crimes should have an “Expungement Relief Clause”.

Felony Charges that can go 15 years, post sanctions, without any legal altercation greater than summary traffic can apply for expungement.

Misdemeanor Charges that can go 10 years, post sanctions, without any legal altercation greater than summary traffic can apply for expungement.

Summary Charges that go 5 years, post sanctions, without any legal altercation can apply for expungement.

I feel something like this should be made available to all persons, no matter their charge or grade. Isn’t the Legal and Correction system intended to rehabilitate a person? And if a person can go a specific number of years based on the severity of their charge, in my opinion they are no longer a risk for relapse to whatever their charges are.

Something for consideration.




Praying that this passes..

I do not have a criminal record but I do know someone very close to me who is currently incarcerated and is worried about being branded as a criminal for a long time. His last conviction was in 2003, which is 10 years ago from this conviction but is being treated harshly and has been sentenced more than the mandatory minimum because of a conviction that was 10 years ago and then the Statues of Limitation. I also believe the District Attorney does not have the right to place judgements on an individual preventing them from getting things such as Rehabilitation. This Bill would be perfect for someone who does not deserve to not get the help that they need.

Everyone support SB 391

Pa expungement laws need to be changed and this would be a Great start.
Waiting till you reach 70 or dead are terrible options and the pardon process is bogged down. Tell all your friends and relatives to support this Bill so people who made ONE mistake can start over.

Legislators! Let’s Do Something NOW!!!

To everyone that posts on this and shares their experiences: It seems that your troubles are falling on deaf ears. WE ALL have to get together and push or Legislators harder to pass this bill NOW before their extensive summer break. This is what PA needs to put a little more kick to get our economy back up and running.
To our Legislators and Committee Members: Let’s go folks, let’s do this NOW. Jobs need to be filled, people need a second chance to fulfill opportunities. You can only benefit by increasing workforce and lowering unemployment under your term. LETS GO! PASS THE FINAL LEGISLATION NOW!

I think when every one is almost dead they’ll get it

I am not allowed to go to nursing school for a misdemeanor, I got locked up for a marijuana cigarette almost 10 years ago yes the cigarette not actual marijuana in a bag, they love unnecessary paper work and money wasting . Even though nursing schools in America do criminal background checks for child and elder abuse I was pulled out of class and told until I “clear this up” I would not be allowed to attend school. “American Law” does not allow a person to expunge a misdemeanor if it is not in the first degree or beyond, so I guess I’m stuck with this record and I’ll keep being denied an education. The powers that be wonder why we have such a high crime rate in certain areas, people just become frustrated and give up trying to do the “right thing”. If I can’t get an education that I’m willing to pay for and work where I want then what’s the point? You may say ‘why not go to school for something else?”, I would love to do this but when you live in a city where there is only service jobs and hospital jobs common sense says take the latter it pays more and has benefits. I am so frustrated, I was talked to very nasty and denied an education I can’t function like this you’d think the way these people behaved that I must be a mass murderer. How is it that felons, junkies, and my just fresh out of jail neighbor can get a job after murdering someone? Arsed Backwards much?

Mother of a son who has a felony on his record

It’s been almost 7 years since my son has been charged with a simple assault. He beat up the guy who tried to rape his sister. Yet, he is the one charged and not that dirtbag. He is almost 25 and still lives with me since the only work that will hire him is fast food. You cannot make a living with minimum wage. A grown man working with teens is very demeaning.

First Article

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam quis mauris magna, non adipiscing dolor. Nullam ac justo augue, non blandit ante. Quisque iaculis iaculis nisi, in vestibulum sem accumsan id. Aliquam erat volutpat. Curabitur ac odio sit amet sem porttitor dapibus in nec nibh. Duis tortor turpis, scelerisque vel pharetra eu, feugiat eu mi. Integer quis metus nibh. Nunc quis scelerisque elit. Vivamus pulvinar dolor in ligula tincidunt quis pulvinar diam euismod. Cras semper vestibulum bibendum.
Nunc accumsan cursus augue, eu consequat risus aliquam nec. Nunc dignissim neque non diam sollicitudin gravida. Nunc sed mauris est. In lacinia eleifend enim, nec lacinia tortor convallis sed.Cras accumsan sapien fringilla elit posuere sagittis tempor magna interdum. Nam scelerisque semper dolor at porta. Sed sed purus non ligula vestibulum facilisis nec eu quam. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nam convallis vehicula libero, a aliquam leo consectetur in. Phasellus volutpat quam ac ligula lobortis blandit. In id tempus odio.Mauris pretium velit eu tortor luctus congue. Cras malesuada ligula nec dui semper fermentum.
Aenean nisl enim, luctus a tempus et, dictum ut neque. Quisque ac arcu a sapien semper luctus eget ac magna. Morbi convallis, nibh eget mattis suscipit, arcu mi semper ante, cursus lobortis nibh nunc ac sapien. Maecenas quis magna sed sapien viverra vestibulum at ut orci. Aliquam metus eros, porttitor mattis elementum at, placerat sit amet ligula. Duis tempus fermentum lorem non sagittis. Nulla facilisi. Aenean condimentum vehicula lorem vel ullamcorper. Mauris auctor nisi id mi faucibus eu rhoncus lacus te
mpor. Phasellus suscipit sodales nulla, id viverra libero hendrerit at. Fusce dapibus nisl in ligula lobortis tempor id sit amet nisl. Proin aliquam tristique velit ac feugiat. Aenean sem turpis, lobortis eu auctor ac, pellentesque non sem. Quisque sollicitudin felis eget mauris ornare gravida.Nunc tincidunt blandit metus, at vehicula elit ultricies ut. Proin sit amet magna quis felis tristique venenatis. Vestibulum euismod lectus non ante egestas gravida. Nunc volutpat sem et nibh congue eget hendrerit nunc vulputate. Donec diam justo, pellentesque eget tempor eu, vestibulum id ipsum. Donec commodo tempus arcu, quis blandit diam condimentum eu. Fusce lacus leo, facilisis eget pulvina
r id, egestas a orci. Cras quis ante non orci mollis consequat. Nullam et tellus ante. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Proin suscipit lobortis ante, quis mattis est adipiscing nec. Sed lorem velit, rutrum ut rutrum eu, euismod vel turpis.Morbi euismod pellentesque mattis. Quisque tristique enim et tortor ullamcorper tincidunt. Nulla non ligula arcu, quis pretium nibh. Phasellus vestibulum, nibh non faucibus egestas, sem diam semper purus, ut blandit velit libero sit amet lacus. Donec tincidunt euismod nunc, aliquam auctor nisi convallis a. Pellentesque elementum rutrum nisi. Nam commodo sapien et dolor sollicitudin tincidunt. Nu
nc sollicitudin sagittis vestibulum. Donec molestie, nibh eu laoreet porttitor, urna ipsum rutrum neque, quis porttitor ligula urna quis mi. In nibh dui, scelerisque ut malesuada eget, porta a nibh. In fringilla nunc consectetur augue dapibus pellentesque. Maecenas libero erat, posuere semper imperdiet nec, tempus in metus. Maecenas id sapien in purus scelerisque fringilla eu a dolor. Vivamus lobortis urna a dolor tristique et dignissim nunc lobortis.

Second Article

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam quis mauris magna, non adipiscing dolor. Nullam ac justo augue, non blandit ante. Quisque iaculis iaculis nisi, in vestibulum sem accumsan id. Aliquam erat volutpat. Curabitur ac odio sit amet sem porttitor dapibus in nec nibh. Duis tortor turpis, scelerisque vel pharetra eu, feugiat eu mi. Integer quis metus nibh. Nunc quis scelerisque elit. Vivamus pulvinar dolor in ligula tincidunt quis pulvinar diam euismod. Cras semper vestibulum bibendum. Nunc accumsan cursus augue, eu consequat risus aliquam nec. Nunc dignissim neque non diam sollicitudin gravida. Nunc sed mauris est. In lacinia eleifend enim, nec lacinia tortor convallis sed.Cras accumsan sapien fringilla elit posuere sagittis tempor magna interdum. Nam scelerisque semper dolor at porta. Sed sed purus non ligula vestibulum facilisis nec eu quam. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nam convallis vehicula libero, a aliquam leo consectetur in. Phasellus volutpat quam ac ligula lobortis blandit. In id tempus odio.Mauris pretium velit eu tortor luctus congue. Cras malesuada ligula nec dui semper fermentum. Aenean nisl enim, luctus a tempus et, dictum ut neque. Quisque ac arcu a sapien semper luctus eget ac magna. Morbi convallis, nibh eget mattis suscipit, arcu mi semper ante, cursus lobortis nibh nunc ac sapien. Maecenas quis magna sed sapien viverra vestibulum at ut orci. Aliquam metus eros, porttitor mattis elementum at, placerat sit amet ligula. Duis tempus fermentum lorem non sagittis. Nulla facilisi. Aenean condimentum vehicula lorem vel ullamcorper. Mauris auctor nisi id mi faucibus eu rhoncus lacus tempor. Phasellus suscipit sodales nulla, id viverra libero hendrerit at. Fusce dapibus nisl in ligula lobortis tempor id sit amet nisl. Proin aliquam tristique velit ac feugiat. Aenean sem turpis, lobortis eu auctor ac, pellentesque non sem. Quisque sollicitudin felis eget mauris ornare gravida.Nunc tincidunt blandit metus, at vehicula elit ultricies ut. Proin sit amet magna quis felis tristique venenatis. Vestibulum euismod lectus non ante egestas gravida. Nunc volutpat sem et nibh congue eget hendrerit nunc vulputate. Donec diam justo, pellentesque eget tempor eu, vestibulum id ipsum. Donec commodo tempus arcu, quis blandit diam condimentum eu. Fusce lacus leo, facilisis eget pulvinar id, egestas a orci. Cras quis ante non orci mollis consequat. Nullam et tellus ante. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Proin suscipit lobortis ante, quis mattis est adipiscing nec. Sed lorem velit, rutrum ut rutrum eu, euismod vel turpis.Morbi euismod pellentesque mattis. Quisque tristique enim et tortor ullamcorper tincidunt. Nulla non ligula arcu, quis pretium nibh. Phasellus vestibulum, nibh non faucibus egestas, sem diam semper purus, ut blandit velit libero sit amet lacus. Donec tincidunt euismod nunc, aliquam auctor nisi convallis a. Pellentesque elementum rutrum nisi. Nam commodo sapien et dolor sollicitudin tincidunt. Nunc sollicitudin sagittis vestibulum. Donec molestie, nibh eu laoreet porttitor, urna ipsum rutrum neque, quis porttitor ligula urna quis mi. In nibh dui, scelerisque ut malesuada eget, porta a nibh. In fringilla nunc consectetur augue dapibus pellentesque. Maecenas libero erat, posuere semper imperdiet nec, tempus in metus. Maecenas id sapien in purus scelerisque fringilla eu a dolor. Vivamus lobortis urna a dolor tristique et dignissim nunc lobortis.

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