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Supporting SB391 to reform PA Expungement Law
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The Greek term Tetelestai is an interesting term. It was the term printed on the papers given to a person who had paid their debt to society if they had committed an offense for which they were incarcerated. It meant that the debt to society had been paid in full and there was nothing more that could be demanded of the person.
Sadly this is not the case in our much further advanced culture and society. For persons who have paid their debt and who have gone on to become productive members of society the stigma, or additional costs that exceed the original sentencing, continues in spite of all and any efforts to live as a responsible person who respects the law and society he or she lives in. In some cases the correction/rehabilitative judicial system works and the person changes, the system works. Unfortunately the system then turns around and fails the persons efforts of change by keeping the stigma as an inescapable scarlet letter that must be worn and shown while seeking better employment or housing. Has justice plugged its ears and refused to consider a cogent argument?
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